Un onore e un piacere aver partecipato con i miei disegni alla realizzazione di questo prestigioso libro sull'Osprey, del famoso esperto e studioso scozzese Roy Dennis, tra i responsabili del progetto Osprey a Loch Garten con la RSPB nei lontani anni '60. Un libro importante, dove ci sono tanti miei disegni in b/n, studi dal vero, pagine di taccuini, disegni a colori realizzati in tanti anni di studio e lavoro artistico inseguendo l'Osprey nel suo ambiente. Grazie a Roy Dennis che li ha voluti e scelti in questo libro: "A life of Ospreys" - Roy Dennis - Whittles publishing. Questa la copertina con la dedica.
It was an honour and pleasure to have participated with my drawings in the publishing of this prestigious book about the Osprey, by the famous Scottish Osprey expert Roy Dennis, among the people in charge of the Loch Garten Osprey project - RSPB in the Sixties. An important book, where you can find many of my b/w drawings, life studies, sketchpad pages, and colour drawings made over many years of studies and artistic work following the Osprey in its environment. Thanks to Roy Dennis for wanting and choosing my works for this book: A Life of Osprey, by Roy Dennis – Whittles publishing. This is the book cover with dedication.
It was an honour and pleasure to have participated with my drawings in the publishing of this prestigious book about the Osprey, by the famous Scottish Osprey expert Roy Dennis, among the people in charge of the Loch Garten Osprey project - RSPB in the Sixties. An important book, where you can find many of my b/w drawings, life studies, sketchpad pages, and colour drawings made over many years of studies and artistic work following the Osprey in its environment. Thanks to Roy Dennis for wanting and choosing my works for this book: A Life of Osprey, by Roy Dennis – Whittles publishing. This is the book cover with dedication.