Corsica, Parco Regionale Corso, Riserva di Scandola. Una riserva sul mare con pareti a picco e nidi di osprey su tutta la costa... La più importante colonia del Mediterraneo, quasi 30 coppie. Ero in una grotta, su una parete verticale sul mare, mi ero calato con l'aiuto degli amici corsi J. Marie Dominici e il suo staff per passare una giornata intera con gli osprey, a strapiombo sul mare. Impossibile dimenticare quei giorni e quella giornata in particolare. Tanti studi, osservazioni, emozioni, momenti unici dove l'uomo era totalmente assente, ed ero solo io e gli osprey, con orizzonte sul mare e il vuoto sotto di me... Mi son venuti a riprendere la sera e tirato su con le corde! Acquerello.
Corsica, Corsican Regional Park, Scandola Reserve. A marine reserve with sheer cliffs and Osprey nests along the whole coast... The most important colony in the Mediterranean sea, almost 30 couples. I was in a cave, on a vertical face over the sea. With the help of my Corsican friends J.Marie Dominici and his staff I had been lowered down there to pass the whole day with the Ospreys, overhanging the sea. It is impossible to forget those days and that day in particular. Many studies, observations, and emotions, a unique experience with no one around, just me and the Ospreys, with nothing beneath me and the sea horizon... They came back to collect me in the evening, pulling me up with the ropes! Watercolour.
Corsica, Corsican Regional Park, Scandola Reserve. A marine reserve with sheer cliffs and Osprey nests along the whole coast... The most important colony in the Mediterranean sea, almost 30 couples. I was in a cave, on a vertical face over the sea. With the help of my Corsican friends J.Marie Dominici and his staff I had been lowered down there to pass the whole day with the Ospreys, overhanging the sea. It is impossible to forget those days and that day in particular. Many studies, observations, and emotions, a unique experience with no one around, just me and the Ospreys, with nothing beneath me and the sea horizon... They came back to collect me in the evening, pulling me up with the ropes! Watercolour.
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