Finalmente nel "mio Parco", in Maremma, dove l'anno scorso si è riprodotta la prima coppia italiana di Osprey, grazie al progetto internazionale fra Parco Naturale della Maremma e Parco Regionale Corso. Sono stati, per noi, anni di progettazione e collaborazione con il Parco e gli studiosi ed esperti internazionali incaricati del progetto di reintroduzione. Questo studio illustra uno dei maschi rilasciati a giugno che cominciava i suoi primi tuffi di successo, pescando nel fiume Ombrone, a poca distanza dalla pineta dove erano situati i nidi e i posatoi artificiali. Sketch a matita.
Finally in “my Park”, in Maremma, where the first Italian Osprey couple bred last year, thanks to the international project between the Natural Park of Maremma and the Regional Park of Corsica. Over the past years I was involved in the planning and cooperation with the Park and the experts working on the reintroduction project. This study illustrates one of the males released in June who was experiencing his first successful dives, fishing the Ombrone river, not far from the pinewood where the nests and the artificial perches were. Pencil sketches.
Finally in “my Park”, in Maremma, where the first Italian Osprey couple bred last year, thanks to the international project between the Natural Park of Maremma and the Regional Park of Corsica. Over the past years I was involved in the planning and cooperation with the Park and the experts working on the reintroduction project. This study illustrates one of the males released in June who was experiencing his first successful dives, fishing the Ombrone river, not far from the pinewood where the nests and the artificial perches were. Pencil sketches.
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