Due studi realizzati durante due bellissimi viaggi, uno a Rutland Water, nella meravigliosa riserva inglese con gli esperti Tim Mackrill e il gruppo corso-italiano, e l'altro invece in Finlandia, nel centro Osprey di Pohtoliampi, vicino Tampere, grazie al caro amico Pertti Saurola e al suo lavoro per gli osprey finlandesi. Matita.
Two studies made during two really beautiful journeys, one in Rutland Water, in the wonderful English Reserve with experts Tim Mackrill and the Corsican-Italian group, and the other in Finland, in the Pohtoliampi Osprey centre, near Tampere, thanks to the dear friend Pertti Saurola and his work for the Finnish Ospreys. Pencil.
Two studies made during two really beautiful journeys, one in Rutland Water, in the wonderful English Reserve with experts Tim Mackrill and the Corsican-Italian group, and the other in Finland, in the Pohtoliampi Osprey centre, near Tampere, thanks to the dear friend Pertti Saurola and his work for the Finnish Ospreys. Pencil.
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